Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Piggy rant

Our human says there are very few things in life as funny as watching a guinea pig eat. Which is lucky for her because we eat all the time! We squeak loudly when it's time for dinner and get super excited when we can run around in the grass because it means....yep, more food!

The reality of being part of a household with lots of animals is that you have to share the love of your human between, in our case, five animals! And one of the many annoying aspects of being part of a household with a dog is that they always need to be the center of attention.

"Oh look, Oscar is eating his dinner!" Snap. Snap.
"Oh look, Oscar is chasing his tail!" Snap. Snap.
"Oh look, Oscar is rolling in poop, how cute! How adorable!" Snap. Snap. Give us a break.

While this suits those of us who are shy just fine *cough* Neytiri *cough* some of us are clearly born to be stars!

Anyway, we've mentioned before that we live outside on account of the orders of our human's Mum and Dad. Our human isn't completely happy about this but she tries to convince herself that it is better for us because we can live more like wild guinea pigs do (before they become Peruvian spit roast...eek!). She likes to think that, this way, we are part of the backyard ecosystem. Well, today our human found out that we are actually more connected to the ecosystem than she would have liked! In fact, you could say that we have our own little ecosystem going in our hutch. Today, while cleaning our cage, our human came a little too close for comfort to one of our friendly neighbours, a huntsman spider! Our human is not exactly scared of spiders (she kept a huntsman as a pet when she was in primary school) and this particular huntsman was just a baby, but she really wasn't happy when he crawled out close to her hand when she wasn't expecting it.

And where was Oscar, "our mighty and fearless protector", during all this? Watching from a safe distance, of course.

Oh hai...

No, really....you look like you're doing just fine.

Love, the Three Little Pigs


  1. Oscar you are very lucky to have such cute friends! Tonya would love to have guinea pigs, but my human mom says they are "icky rodents", but Tonya thinks they are just plain cute.

  2. We love the little piggy's!

    I(Lexi) sat and watch the whole video... I like to watch TV :)

    Hehe don't worry Oscar we thought you were being very conciderate, staying out the way while you human was dealing with the spider :p

    Licks and lots of slobber,
    Lexi and Jasper the Danes

  3. Hello Oscar-Theh King!! :) :) Thanks so much for your pawprint on our guestbook! You have a very nice blog with lots of cute pictures. All your family members are beautiful! We'd love to get to know you better. We'll add your name to our friends' list. Hope it's ok with you.

    Your new friends,
    Momo & Pinot from Canada

  4. Oh myGosh - Evolet is SO CUTE when she is eating!!! Now my human wants a guinea pig - hee! hee! Actually, she always thought guinea pigs are fat, hairy things and that's why she was never very interested in them but Evolet doesn't look anything like the guinea pigs she's seen in petstores! Hsin-Yi really likes rodents - she'd love to have a pet rat - they say they are very clever and can learn lots of tricks! But since we'll be getting a kitty to join the family again, it's probably not a good idea! :-)

    Honey the Great Dane
